2 October 2016

Sunday Night Blues?

Oh hey! Remember when I started this blog and I said I'd be inconsistent and crap at posting regularly? Told you so! This is literally the first opportunity I've had to even open Blogger lately, and considering when I had Life by LDE I'd check it about twenty times a day, that's pretty weird. My whole idea of what blogging is about has changed - and for me, it's definitely for the better.

On Life by LDE I would write a weekly "Reasons to Smile" list. I used to say five things every week that had kept me happy. Generally, I'm a pretty happy person - so this was never difficult. People used to tell me that they knew the weekend was over because my Sunday post went live, and they read it religiously. Today - being a Sunday - I'm having a bit of a mope and I am missing my old blog. I Googled myself earlier (shut up, you do it too) and a few of my old bloggy snaps came up in the results, where my posts have been shared by other companies I worked with - and it made me feel massively nostalgic and ALL the feels came flooding back.

Life by LDE isn't live any more, but it's still there. I can still see it. For the first time in aaaages I clicked back onto it this afternoon and I felt this swell of emotion. I used to pour my heart and soul into that little online space. I didn't give a shit if I made any money from my blog, but I'd do everything in my power to write at least twice a week. I worked with some amazing companies, I had some fabulous opportunities and I met some of the most kind-hearted and wonderful people through Life by LDE and it was a massive part of my life for four and a half years.

I'm tempted (very tempted) to bring it back. Not to update, not to share anything on - but just because I love it so much. And I invested so much of my time into it, I just feel saddened that it's no longer available. I don't really know what to do with it really, it just seems a massive shame that it doesn't appear to be a part of me any more. If that makes sense?

ANYWAY. I'm only really writing this because I've got two stacks of Y9 books to mark and I haven't really looked at them since I brought them in from the car on Friday. This weekend I've had two (rather heavy) nights out and lunch with a friend today... So I'm afraid marking/planning/making PowerPoints just hasn't been anywhere near the top of my priority list. This weekend I definitely made up for the "life" part of my non-existent "work/life balance".

So that's me cracking on. A Sunday night post with a twist I guess. Feeling a tad nostalgic shall we say? Right. Marking. See ya.

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